The Black Herald - Issue #2

Photomontage by ParisLike from "À bout de souffle / Breathless" (1960) by Jean-Luc Godard
Poetry, short fiction, essays, translations.
second issue of the internationally-minded literary magazine
The Black Herald, co-edited by
Paul Stubbs and
Blandine Longre, was published in September 2011.
It includes texts (in original version and translation) by French poets such as Laurence Werner David (translated by
John Taylor), Pierre Cendors and
Jos Roy, as well as selected aphorisms by Georges Perros (chosen and translated by John Taylor), essays about poet Tristan Corbière (by Jean-Baptiste Monat, translated by Rosemary Lloyd), about Arthur Rimbaud (by Paul Stubbs) and about Jacques Derrida (by Hugh Rayment-Pickard), and other aphorisms by Slovakian
Róbert Gál (translated by Michaela Freeman).
Readers can also discover various English-speaking poets (most of them translated into French in this second issue) from India, Great-Britain, New-Zealand or the United-States :
W.S. Graham, Clayton Eshleman (who is also the translator of César Vallejo, Antonin Artaud and Aimé Césaire, more information
here), Andrew Fentham, Hart Crane,
Paul Stubbs, Alistair Noon, Iain Britton, Gary J. Shipley,
Sudeep Sen,
Will Stone, Delphine Grass, Blandine Longre and Michael L. Rattigan ; as well as Dutch poet Onno Kosters (with poems from his book
Anatomy of Silt).
As for prose and fiction, different writers are included in this second issue : the French Jacques Sicard, André Rougier, Khun San,
Anne-Sylvie Salzman, the Franco-Romanian
Dumitru Tsepeneag, the Peruvian César Vallejo (translated by Michael Lee Rattigan), the American Danielle Winterton (who also co-edits
Essays & Fictions) and Robert McGowan, the Australian
Lisa Thatcher, the Bulgarian Dimíter Ánguelov (translated from the Portuguese by Cécile Lombard).
The editors wish to thank
Jean-François Mariotti and
Romain Verger for their photographs.
More information about the contributors
A few previously unpublished texts – by Jacques Sicard, Dimíter Ánguelov, Jos Roy – can be read on line as well as the editorial in English and in French.
The magazine is available in some
bookshops (Paris, London, New York, Amsterdam, among others) and also from the website of Black Herald Press.
Co-edited by Blandine Longre and Paul Stubbs, the magazine’s only aim is to publish original world writers, not necessarily linked in any way by ‘theme’ or ‘style’. Writing that we deem can withstand the test of time and might resist popularization – the dangers of instant literature for instant consumption. Writing that seems capable of escaping the vacuum of the epoch. Where the rupture of alternative mindscapes and nationalities exists, so too will
The Black Herald.
The Black Herald
Literary magazine – Revue de littérature
Issue #2 September 2011 – Septembre 2011
13.90€ / £11.99 / $19
ISBN 978-2-919582-03-7
Contact : blackheraldpress(at)gmail(point)com